Monday, February 15, 2010

My Little Helper

This is my little helper.
Luke and I worked very hard today outside. We are having heavy snow all day long almost everyday. I have to get snow off of our car and clear off snow from our parking area everyday -- well, I'm not going anywhere in this snow without snow tires, but if you have active young kid, you want to make sure the car is ready to go on emergency, right? Anyway, we went outside to see how bad it is. It was very bad...

Last night we got 4 to 6 inches, but it was blizzard and very icy... so the snow was very VERY hard to shovel with a plastic shovel... It took so much more time than usual, but thanks to my little helper! He was working hard to clear off snow of our car (^-^)

We spent a few hours outside today. We both got sweaty after the hard work, but our hands and face were getting so red by the cold icy air. But Luke always enjoys being outside, it's difficult for him to come inside. What a great boy!

Thanks buddy! Let's do it again tomorrow, shall we?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Palm Tree in the House!

Finally my Palm Tree project it done! This week, I had a few sleepless nights... but it was so fun, and I'm glad I can decorate the tree in Luke's room.

Here is the pictures of what it looks like when it was finished:
And here is the picture of it on the wall in Luke's room:
And also I put some clips on leafs, so we can decorate cards, pictures and other fun stuff on it.
I'm planning to make felt birds, coconuts crabs, and maybe a little monkey that Luke can put on the tree. We are having a very cold winter this year, but now we can feel warm and relaxed in Luke's tropical room (^V^)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lovely Surprise

I got a beautiful Valentine's day flower from him... When Paul called me from India the other day, he asked me if I received any delivery. I didn't expect flower or lovely card with it! I thought he order some books or computer stuff for him. It was a lovely surprise (^-^)
It makes me miss him more, but he will come home sometime this week (^-^) -- depends of how much snow we are having this week... I will make some special dessert for him when he comes home!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Update on the Palm Tree Project

As I mentioned, Paul is in India these past couple of week. I thought this is a good time to finish up my Palm Tree project. I already cut all the fabric in January, so now I just need to sew it all together! Luke always goes to bed at 7:00 pm, so I have plenty of time to working on it after he's in bed, right?

I got really nice fabric at Joann's while we were visiting Paul's parents in Virginia Beach this Christmas holiday. And I cut out all the patterns. It was very difficult to choose which fabric to go with other fabric together. But when I was doing this in January, Paul helped me. And I think we made good choices!

Now the sewing part! It was not easy at first, since I STILL didn't know the best way to put everything together. But again, I love this part the most, so I was enjoying the process (^-^)

Good thing or not, when I'm doing something I like, I always lose track of time. Yes, I'm staying up until around 1:00 am everyday these couple days. It's almost an addiction -- I just can't stop sewing! The amazing feeling of putting all of the pieces together and becoming one piece. Anyway, it is a good thing that this project will be finish pretty soon. Hahaha

Friday, February 5, 2010

Enjoy the snow

Luke and I made our first snowman! I can't believe how much snow we got these last couple of days. And lucky Paul, he is in India right now and I'm sure he is enjoying nice warm weather! Hahaha
But it looks like Luke doesn't mind the cold weather at all. He wants to go to outside everyday, and yes, I'm the one who has to go with him about 30 min everyday. Oh! The other day, we spent 1 hour in the morning and 2 hours after his nap outside. But it was fun to play in the snow, and it reminds me when I was kid!

Here is our fist snowman in this winter (^0^)
it's pretty cute, isn't it?